Language courses
Δεκαοκτώ χρόνια προσφοράς στην εκπαίδευση ενηλίκων κλείνει φέτος η Βαρδάκειος Σχολή Ερμούπολης, ενώ από τα θρανία της έχουν περάσει τουλάχιστον 500 μαθητές. Στη Σχολή παραδίδονται μαθήματα ελληνικών για ξενόγλωσσους και αγγλικών, ιταλικών, ισπανικών, ρωσικών και γαλλικών για Έλληνες και ξενόγλωσσους. Τα μαθήματα αυτά έρχονται να καλύψουν ένα κενό, σε τοπικό επίπεδο, στο χώρο της εκπαίδευσης ενηλίκων. Για τους μαθητές, άλλωστε, υπάρχει η δυνατότητα να προετοιμαστούν και για τα κρατικά πιστοποιητικά γλωσσομάθειας.
Intensive Greek language courses for foreigners
Vardakeios school organises intensive Greek language courses for foreigners combined with afternoon cultural activities.The courses are intended for adults who wish to learn or improve their Greek while wanting to experience the daily life of a Cycladic island that is alive all year round. For more Information click here
Multicultural environment
However, the school is also a place where everyone can function as an example of his/her culture, but also as a receiver of elements of other cultures. In this School xenophobia and racism have no place. On the contrary, we seek to experience the multicultural environment through several activities. Storytelling with stories from around the world, staging performances by foreigner students, multicultural cuisine, bazaars of Greek and foreign books, woodcarve workshop, and hiking on the mountains are some of the many activities organised by the students and for the students.
Information office for immigrants
The School also operates as an information office for immigrants. The students, or anyone interested, can get information related to immigration issues and structures
European programmes
Since 2009 the school has participated in European programmes of “Lifelong learning» (Grundtvig and Leonardo Da Vinci) by implementing projects with the participation of the students. In June 2013 Vardakeios organised a Grundtvig workshop of Greek language with the title: “Learning the Greek language and Greek culture through the eyes of immigrants/Greek as a foreign language A2-B1 level” where all the expenses for the 15 participants were covered by the E.U